Lesson Plan


To complete the syllabuses and do practice papers to prepare the students for their major school and national examinations.


Lesson Plan

Go through summary of current topic and revise concepts with examples

Comprehensive summaries with examples on all topics will be provided.  Topic will be covered at a reasonable pace to accommodate students’ progress. About one topic will be covered every 1 – 2 weeks to complete the syllabuses in time for their examinations.

Discuss questions in worksheets/revision exercises

Worksheets/revision exercises will be provided and discussed. Questions are taken from past year exam papers to test the students’ understanding of the topic. Students will be guided to solve these questions relevant to the topic.

Extra questions / Quick checks

The students will be asked to solve questions to check if they have understood the concepts taught.

Discuss students’ questions

As students are from different schools and may be covering different topics in schools, they may encounter problems which they can bring out for discussion.


Materials to be provided

Comprehensive Summary Notes

Revision Exercises

Practice Papers for major examinations